What's Happening At Church!
Line dancing on Tuesdays, at 10:30 am
Beginner's Class Offered from 10:00 am
For more info call instructor Gloria Buotte 364-4883
FYI Line Dancers will be meeting throughout the summer!
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LOL Quilters Group
First Thursday of each month 9:30 am
(September - June)
Call Mary Pulsifer for more details 562-7050
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Open Sewing ~Anyone who wants a place to quilt is welcome
various Thursdays of each month from 9:30 to noon.
We supply tables, cutting mats, ironing board and iron, coffee, tea, and company!
From time to time we have sewing days for specific projects. Details at quilters group Meetings.
Call Mary at 562-7050 for more info
Remember ~ if School is cancelled so are we!