Rumford United Methodist Church
Monday, March 03, 2025
God loves you, so pass it on through Service, Nurture, Outreach, and Worship

     The Rumford United Methodist Church hosts line-dancing classes to area residents
 at the Virgin Memorial Chapel, 455 Linnell St., Rumford.
    Classes are held every Tuesday from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. in the church fellowship hall, (lower level).
 Gloria Buotte is the instructor. Donations of $2.00 per hour are suggested. 
Half of the proceeds go to the church for fuel and electricity expenses and the other half to the instructor.
   At present there are 25 participants from Canton, Dixfield, Mexico, Peru, Roxbury, and Rumford
with an average of 12 participating each Tuesday. 
The classes are fun and easy to learn. Come join us!
    For questions call: Gloria at 364-4883 or Beverly at 364-2457.